Terrco Grinder Accessories
Flex Shaft Spindle - Angle Spindle

Precision Ball Bearing mounted Angle Spindles available in 4 speed ratios
(1:1 2:1 4:1 and 10:1)
Dry Spindles for sanding, polishing and buffing
Wet Spindles for grinding, sanding and buffing
Wet Spindles can be used dry, if desired
Flex Shaft Spindle - Straight

Full Speed heavy duty straight spindle
Mounted with long life ball bearings
Designed for grinding, sanding, wire brushing, polishing and buffing.
Mounted with long life ball bearings
Designed for grinding, sanding, wire brushing, polishing and buffing.
Flex Shaft Spindle- Cove Base Dry

For dry cove base work. Ball bearing construction throughout. Lightweight aluminum alloy housing
Flex Shaft Cove Base - Wet Spindle

For wet cove base work. Ball bearing construction throughout. Petcock type inlet valve for position flow
Control: Anti Splash Apron
For wet cove base work. Ball bearing construction throughout. Petcock type inlet valve for position flow
Control: Anti Splash Apron